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Contact us for availability of heavy lifting cranes, crane vessels, transport barges, winches and other maritime equipment to be deployed anywhere in the world.

Sluisjesdijk 145, 3087 AG Rotterdam, The Netherlands +31 10 7600 111
Wereldhavendagen 2022

Wereldhaven­dagen 2022

Time flies! It’s already 8 weeks ago that Hapo International Barges participated in the Wereldhavendagen (World Port Days) 2022. A good time to look back to this amazing event. World Port Days is an annual multi-day event in the first weekend of September in the port of Rotterdam. The purpose of the event is to show the public what is happening in the port.

Hapo was present with its giant PLM15000E Ringer Crane on HAPO Pontoon H-332. This was an excellent opportunity for the public to visit Hapo and enjoy the fantastic view on the Erasmus Bridge from our pontoon. On Friday loads of students passed by our pontoon and came up with the most challenging questions. It is nice to see that the next generation is also very interested in what we do: heavylift!

On Saturday we had the public visiting us. Our pontoon H-332 was quite popular: at times there were so many people on deck to see the massive PLM15000E crane, we had to regulate the crowd on the gangways. Also, we found out that our (goodie) bag was quite popular.

Wereldhavendagen 2022

Saturday evening there was a spectacular show on board of Pontoon H-332. It was a lot of extra work for us to make it possible (lights, sound and a stage were built on the pontoon) but in the end it was quite rewarding to see how was a huge part of the show.

Wereldhavendagen 2022

Sunday can be described as Family day but also we were very pleased with a lot of business relations who visited us in an informal way. We look back at a very successful weekend where our staff really enjoyed to meet the public and be a part of this fantastic nautical event.

Check out this nice article about the lightshow on our pontoon that was created by Mothership: