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Contact us for availability of heavy lifting cranes, crane vessels, transport barges, winches and other maritime equipment to be deployed anywhere in the world.

Sluisjesdijk 145, 3087 AG Rotterdam, The Netherlands +31 10 7600 111

Transporting our new PLM 15000E Crane

Last week was the day: PLM Cranes from Heijningen delivered the base of our new PLM 15000E crane. As such the base was ready for transport to our yard in Ridderkerk, where the PLM 15000E will be built in the upcoming period. The ring of the crane has a diameter of 18 meters, and the base is 20 meters by 26 meters and weighs 450 tonnes combined with the ring. With this size in mind, transport over water was chosen. PLM and Hapo have instructed Sarens to take care of the transport. Sarens subsequently hired Lekstroom Transport for maritime engineering.

The crane base has been transported from the PLM site to a nearby quay. As this had to be done on a public road, some lampposts were temporarily removed to secure a safe and smooth passage.

A modular transport system (SPMT) was used to drive the base of the crane onto HAPO pontoon H-282. This was a slow and secure process. Our Grove RT890E mobile crane was used during preparation.

Water was pumped into the ballast tanks of pontoon H-282 to act as a counterweight. After every few centimeters they had to pause so the pontoon could level out. All in all, meticulous work, which required the attention of our professionals. A part of the boom was then hoisted onto the pontoon. Thus the first part of the transport was ready to leave.

The journey began in Heijningen. The pontoon traveled with the help of Sleepdienst Verschoor and Lekstroom Transport through the Volkeraksluizen (sluice) via the Hollandse Diep into the Dordtse Kil. And after a day the transport arrived in Ridderkerk safely.

The same SPMT was used to drive the base on shore. With the help of 3 Sarens cranes and our Sumitomo SCX-5000 the ring and base were then hoisted on shore.

We will keep you informed with new developments concerning the PLM 15000E crane in the near future.