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Contact us for availability of heavy lifting cranes, crane vessels, transport barges, winches and other maritime equipment to be deployed anywhere in the world.

Sluisjesdijk 145, 3087 AG Rotterdam, The Netherlands +31 10 7600 111
Lara 1

Lara 1 helped with the removal of walkway

This week our Lara-1 has been busy again working along the United Kingdom coastline. Stena Line operates ferry’s between Holyhead and Dublin and it is to the berths of Stena Line in the port of Holyhead where our Lara-1 was utilized.

Beech Group chartered the Lara-1 to remove the existing passenger walkways to the ferry’s. This job required careful planning as the continuity of the ferry services was not be hindered. These activities are part of a 4 million Pound investment made by Stena Line to improve accessibility for their passengers, as well as creation of additional freight space. We expect that this job will be completed in 7 days.