Special survey and major maintenance H-282 pontoon
Last week Hapo’s H-282 pontoon arrived at the Damen Shiprepair dock for the 5 yearly special survey and major maintenance. A week later the pontoon is inspected and recoated, ready for the coming years of heavy transport.
Transporting our new PLM 15000E Crane
Last week was the day: PLM Cranes from Heijningen delivered the base of our new PLM 15000E crane. As such the base was ready for transport to our yard in Ridderkerk, where the PLM 15000E will be built in the upcoming
Yards Page Online
In addition to our fleet of equipment, we also offer commercial property available for let, which are owned (or managed) by Hapo. These locations vary from office space to construction halls with their own quay, situated in Rotterdam, Ridderkerk, Schiedam
The Missing Link helped remove Peiner cranes
This week our crane barge the Missing Link has assisted to remove two Peiner cranes in the Botlek harbor for the Steinweg Group. A Peiner crane is a Rail mount port crane which is used frequently in the harbor of
Lara 1 helped with the removal of walkway
This week our Lara-1 has been busy again working along the United Kingdom coastline. Stena Line operates ferry’s between Holyhead and Dublin and it is to the berths of Stena Line in the port of Holyhead where our Lara-1 was
Testing the Missing Link
Recently our Missing Link underwent an inspection and examination to make sure she will perform up to the highest standards. This ment she underwent a series of activities involving replacements and maintenance.
Hapo’s new specsheets
After renewing our company style and our website, new specification sheets have been added to our website. As of today these are available. You can find them when you navigate to our Fleet summary, then click on a category and
Lara-1 helped transport a 30 meter long linkspan
Linkspans act as a bridge linking ship to shore, providing the access way for transferring cargo and passengers on and off RoRo vessels in port. Our crane barge Lara 1 has recently been used to transport and install a 30
For Rent: Sluisjesdijk 143/145
In addition to Sluisjesdijk 131, 143 and 145 have also become available. This well maintained and modern building is well suited for office space. In combination with the construction hall at Sluisjesdijk 143 it amounts to a total floorspace of
For Rent: Sluisjesdijk 131
A business- and office space of 2,790 m², located on the Southside of Rotterdam on the Sluisjesdijk 131 has just become available for rent. It is ideally situated next to the Kortenoordsehaven in the Waalhaven with a quay of 300