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Contact us for availability of heavy lifting cranes, crane vessels, transport barges, winches and other maritime equipment to be deployed anywhere in the world.

Sluisjesdijk 145, 3087 AG Rotterdam, The Netherlands +31 10 7600 111

Acquistition of Seeponton 1 from Bugsier

In mid-2017, the German companies Fairplay Towage and Bugsier announced to merge. In 2018 the merger took place, with the Seeponton 1 becoming available for sale. With sister barge H-282 already in possession this is a good opportunity to strengthen the market position in the Baltic Sea region. It’s worth mentioning that the barge includes a so-called ice class.

The Seeponton 1 has since been renamed to H-284, in line with the H-282. The barges have been exploited since 2011. They’ve been used for various projects, both for large transport and as crane-barge, recently in combination with our Hitachi SCX 5000 heavy crane.

The dimensions of the H-284 barge are 84 x 20 x 5.5 meters and she has an internal ballast system with a total capacity of 1200 m3 per hour. At the moment the barge is under charter in Bremerhaven, from mid-2019 she will be available again for her next assignment.